Green Initiatives
The science of melting iron and pouring sand molds inherently produces heat and emissions that Smith Foundry makes a priority to reduce in order to better serve our employees, the public and the environment.
Smith Foundry endeavors to be a good neighbor, a good corporate citizen, and a good steward of the environment. This longtime commitment was formally recognized in 1995 by the City of Minneapolis with the signing of a proclamation honoring Smith Foundry, the People of Phillips, and the Citizens for a Better Environment for entering into a voluntary “Good Neighbor Agreement”. It was the first of its kind in Minnesota and was among the first to be completed in the United States. The goals of the agreement focused on reducing emissions, protecting the environment, and providing job opportunities for people living in the Phillips neighborhood. That commitment remains as important today as it was many years ago.
Smith Foundry recycled and repurposed over 2,500,000 pounds of scrap metal in 2015. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this recycling process is beneficial to the environment in that it reduces air pollution by 86%, water use by 40%, and mining waste by 97% in comparison to using virgin iron that is mined. Additionally, using scrap metal requires less energy, which in turn, reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
During the past decade we have spent over $500,000 on pollution prevention improvements and technologies that help improve our environment. We are committed to placing high priority on continued investment in order to keep "Minnesota Green" as one of the core values at Smith Foundry.